Effect of Corrosion in the CS Operation Indoors of the Electronics Industry in the Northwest of Mexico


Estilo APA:
López-Badilla-0, 0,Vega-Matus-0, 0,Millán-Arce-0, 0,González-Kleyton-0, 0,Contreras-León-0, 0,(2012). Effect of Corrosion in the CS Operation Indoors of the Electronics Industry in the Northwest of Mexico. Ingeniería Investigación y Tecnología, 13 (04), 461-472. https://doi.org/10.22201/fi.25940732e.2012.13n4.045

Estilo Harvard:
López-Badilla-0, 0, Vega-Matus-0, 0, Millán-Arce-0, 0, González-Kleyton-0, 0, Contreras-León-0, 0, (2012). "Effect of Corrosion in the CS Operation Indoors of the Electronics Industry in the Northwest of Mexico", Ingeniería Investigación y Tecnología, 04 (13), 461-472. https://doi.org/10.22201/fi.25940732e.2012.13n4.045

Estilo IEEE:
0 López-Badilla-0, 0 Vega-Matus-0, 0 Millán-Arce-0, 0 González-Kleyton-0, 0 Contreras-León-0, "Effect of Corrosion in the CS Operation Indoors of the Electronics Industry in the Northwest of Mexico", Ingeniería Investigación y Tecnología (México), 04, 461-472, 010, 2012. https://doi.org/10.22201/fi.25940732e.2012.13n4.045

Estilo ABNT:
LóPEZ-BADILLA-0, 0; VEGA-MATUS-0, 0; MILLáN-ARCE-0, 0; GONZáLEZ-KLEYTON-0, 0; CONTRERAS-LEóN-0, 0; Effect of Corrosion in the CS Operation Indoors of the Electronics Industry in the Northwest of Mexico. Ingeniería Investigación y Tecnología, 04, 461-472, 01, 010, 2012. https://doi.org/10.22201/fi.25940732e.2012.13n4.045