Evaluation process
Manuscripts submitted to the journal for possible publication are subject to a first review by the editor to verify that the manuscript complies with what is requested in the Instructions for authors. In the preliminary review of the Editor, the wording and clarity of the ideas presented will be evaluated. At the end of this preliminary evaluation, it will be decided if the manuscript is submitted for evaluation with the peer reviewers or if the modification is considered pertinent. The manuscript can be definitively rejected in this part of the process according to the editor's comments.
If the manuscript passes favorably the preliminary evaluation, it will be subjected to a "double blind" peer reviewing process consisting of the evaluation of the manuscripts by experts in the corresponding area who will give their opinion on the quality of the article. In this process, neither the authors nor the evaluators know their respective names.
The peer reviewing process involves high-level specialists recognized in their area, attached to national or foreign institutions, with the ability to evaluate reliably and expeditiously, both the quality and originality and the merit of the content of the manuscripts. The evaluations are carried out impartially and confidentially.
Once the reports have been received, the editor will analyze them to make the decision on the publication of the manuscript.
Any type of review is unappealable and there are four possible, which are described below.1. Accepted in its current form. The manuscript does not need modifications and can be published in its current state.
2. Accepted with minimum adjustments. The manuscript can be published if small modifications are made according to the comments of the reviewers. The review committee of the journal verifies the corrections. It does not require a new evaluation by the peer reviewers. The modified version of the manuscript must be accompanied by the change guide in Word.
3. Correct and reevaluate. The manuscript requires major modifications and must be resent for a next round of evaluation. The authors must submit a new version in accordance with the comments of the reviewers, who will reassess the manuscript to verify its quality and attention to the suggested modifications. The modified version of the manuscript must be accompanied by the change guide in Word.
4. Rejected. The publication of the manuscript is not recommended. The causes of rejection will be sent to the author and there is no possibility of a reevaluation.
Authors are reminded to refrain from attempting to modify the list of authors at any stage of the process, even if additional help has been received for the preparation of new versions of the manuscript.
The guide of changes consists of a document (in Word) in free format where the modifications made are explained in detail taking into account each and every one of the observations made by the evaluators. The commentary of each and every one of the reviewers and their corresponding actions or responses of the author should be included. In the case of matching comments among the reviewers, it can be specified that the comment was answered as indicated by the other reviewer. Regarding the annotations made by the reviewers on the manuscript it is not necessary to include them in the change guide, but there must be a detailed description of the actions taken to address those observations. P>
The new version of the manuscript must comply with the current specifications in the Instructions for authors , do not forget to check on our website that has the latest version.