Just a century ago, on July 16, 1908, a handful of students founded the Sociedad de la Escuela Nacional de Ingenieros, among the objectives of this society established the need to improve their institution, among others by publishing the works of major importance in the engineering community; for that, the Revista de Ingeniería was created. Órgano de la Sociedad de la Escuela Nacional de Ingenieros whose first issue was published in September 1908.
The publication was successful and it suffered interruptions, resurgences, new epochs, etc., but the important thing is that it has been, for 100 years, a means of dissemination for the engineering industry and the University community.
The journal included in its pages the problems of foundations and alarming subsidence that presented the architectural monuments that at that time were considered "modern" as: the Dirección General de Correos, the then insurance company La Mutua and the Teatro Nacional that was in full construction.
In 1933 the journal disseminated in the university community the declaration of the total autonomy of the institution that added this fact to his name, remaining since then as Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Likewise, in 1956, the journal published the news of the approval by the Consejo Universitario of the postgraduate programs, which converted the Escuela Nacional de Ingenieros into the Facultad de Ingeniería.
In the decade of the 80's, the journal undergoes important changes that definitively mark the way towards the recognition that it is a scientific publication, eliminating commercial advertising, forming an editorial council, legalizing its name before the Secretaría de Gobernación and the Dirección de Derechos de Autor de la SEP, and establishing the evaluation of the articles by specialists of great prestige in the corresponding area.
By the end of the 90's, the journal acquired the name it carries today, with which it is registered in the relevant government agencies and in important Mexican and international indexes such as Latindex, the Índice de revistas de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica de CONACyT, OEL, Scielo México, Redalyc and E-Journal.
This certification process has offered the Journal a greater vision, physical and electronic, since some indexes of the caliber of Redalyc show bibliometric data of great support to know the registration status regarding visits to the Latin America level, as well as comparisons with other prestigious publications with the same specialty.
At present, the journal has exchange agreements with national and international engineering publications; participates in book fairs and engineering forums.
Mention should also be made that the journal has reached this point of prestige thanks to the hard work of many administrations, and more importantly, thanks to the work all authors, evaluators, readers and other members of the engineering community, who are the raw material so that a publication with many years of recognition manages to stay at least another 100 years with the image that deservedly has.