Editorial Board

It will be formed by leading national and international researchers in the field of engineering. People widely recognized in their profession who are willing to cooperate in improving the quality of the journal and ensure the plurality of the journal in a thematic and institutional way. The primary interest of the council should be to improve the quality of the journal.

Monitor the operation of the journal in a way that complies with the vision, mission and objectives with which it is committed.

- Make recommendations of the editorial policy.
- Evaluate the results or progress annually at the request of the editor and submit a report.
- Collaborate in the work of the editor when requested with a first reading of manuscripts corresponding to their field, judge their relevance to the journal and, when appropriate, suggest peer reviewers.
- Propose initiatives that allow improving the quality of the journal.
- Analyze collaborations and agreements with other researchers or organizations.
To fulfill its functions, the editorial committee will communicate by email and, if necessary, participate in video conference calls.


Dr. Germán Buitrón Méndez Mexico UNAM. Institute of Engineering Environmental, sustainability

Dr. José Antonio Hernández Espriú Mexico UNAM. Faculty of Engineering Earth Sciences

Dra. Sonia Elda Ruiz Gómez Mexico UNAM. Institute of Engineering Civil, structures

Dr. Sergio Rajsbaum Gorodezky Mexico UNAM. Institute of Mathematics Computing

Dr. Leonid Fridman Golredich Mexico UNAM. Faculty of Engineering Control

Dr. Frederic Trillaud Pighi Mexico UNAM. Institute of Engineering Electrical, mechanical

Dra. Cecilia Martín del Campo Márquez Mexico UNAM. Faculty of Engineering Energy, energy planning

Dr. Sebastian Pathiyamattom Joseph Mexico UNAM. Institute of Renewable Energy Renewable energy, hydrogen

Dr. Rodolfo Silva Casarín Mexico UNAM. Institute of Engineering Hydraulics, oceanography

Dr. Federico Méndez Lavielle Mexico UNAM. Faculty of Engineering Heat transfer

Dr. Luis Álvarez-Icaza Longoria Mexico UNAM. Institute of Engineering Modeling, nonlinear dynamical systems

Dr. Fernando Samaniego Verduzco Mexico UNAM. Faculty of Engineering Petroleum

Dr. Boris Escalante Ramírez Mexico UNAM. Faculty of Engineering Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence

Dr. Eduardo Vivaldo Lima Mexico UNAM. Faculty of Chemistry Chemistry, processes, materials

Dr. Gabriel Ascanio Gasca Mexico UNAM. Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology Rheology, mechanical instrumentation

Dra. Angélica Lozano Mexico UNAM. Institute of Engineering Operations Research, Transportation and Logistics

Dr. Javier Gómez Castellanos Mexico UNAM. Faculty of Engineering Information and Communications Technologies

Dr. Salvador Landeros Ayala Mexico UNAM. Faculty of Engineering Telecommunications and Space

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