Instructions for authors

Research manuscripts must present original information in at least 75% of their content; the research must not have been published or be in the process of evaluation or publication in writing in any other media (printed or digital), or in any other language. The manuscript must present new information, of interest and relevance in any of the topics covered by the journal, as well as report results of practical studies that encourage the analysis and design of new related works. The manuscript should also indicate the areas of additional research to encourage the transfer of technology. The length of this type of contributions should be between 5,000 and 6,000 words.

Types of manuscripts admitted

Thematic areas admitted

Only manuscripts related to the following areas will be considered.
a) Civil and Geomatics Engineering
b) Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Computing and Telecommunications
c) Geology, Geophysics, Petroleum, Mining and Metallurgy
d) Mechanical, Industrial, Mechatronic and Biomedical Systems Engineering

Manuscript not admitted

Scientific dissemination
Manuscripts whose essential purpose is to promote or attack individuals, work groups, products and / or services or third parties in general.


Written manuscripts are admitted in Spanish and English, however, we recommend that authors write their articles in English, as this will increase their visibility and their chances of being quoted.

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Format of manuscript


  • The manuscript must be written in a format compatible with Microsoft Word, with a single column, Times New Roman font, size 12, multiple line spacing of 1.2 and normal type margins provided by the Word Normal template.
  • The document must be configured with continuous line numbering.
  • The manuscript should have an extension between 5,000 and 6,000 words.
  • The sections of the manuscript should not be numbered and should use only the header styles defined by Microsoft Word.
  • Footnotes or notes at the end of the manuscript are not allowed. Any information that the author considers necessary to incorporate, must do so within the text.
  • The Editor reserves the right to adjust the article, to maintain uniformity in the style and policy of the Journal.

  • Charts and Illustrations

  • The charts and illustrations should be placed in the place that corresponds to them throughout the article and with the initial letter in upper case. The titles of charts and footer of illustrations or photos must clearly explain their content.
  • The charts must be identified at the top of the chart with the following format: Chart 1. (in Spanish) or Chart 1 (in English). Any other nomenclature will not be accepted.
  • The illustrations must be identified in the lower part of the same illustration with the following format: Illustration 1. (in Spanish) or Illustration 1 (in English). Any other nomenclature will not be accepted.
  • The numbering of charts and illustrations should be continuous throughout the manuscript, that is, it should not be started again with each section.
  • The author must use Arabic numerals to identify charts, illustration captions or photos.
  • Charts must be in Excel or Word. Charts are not accepted as images.
  • Illustrations must be sent in an additional compressed file, clearly identifying the number of the illustration.
  • Illustrations must be submitted with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. If the journal considers it necessary, it will be requested in versions: EPS, TIFF, Ai or PDF where it will be the responsibility of the author to return them in the requested format.
  • Illustrations must fulfill the width of the document. It is not possible to align more than one figure per row, if the author needs to make a comparison between several illustrations, the author must make the composition of the illustration in a single grouped illustration and send it according to the specifications.
  • The adjustment of the illustrations in the document should be "In line with the text". Illustrations will not be allowed inside text boxes, nor in columns or any other composition that is not the one specified.
  • Photographs of people will not be accepted unless the pertinence of the image is clearly justified and the written consent of the use of the image of the person (s) shown in the photograph has been obtained, in no case should they allow the identification of the authors of the manuscript.

  • Equations

  • Mathematical expressions must be written only in the Word equation editor, even when the mathematical expression forms part of a paragraph. Equations in image form or written in editors of equations external to Microsoft Word will not be accepted.
  • The mathematical expressions that are included within the text must be written in a simple way, that is, in a single level (example: (a + c) / b ^ 2). In the case of equations that are not part of a paragraph, the graphic elements necessary for a correct visualization of the expression must be used.
  • The correct use of the International System of Units and their corresponding prefixes is mandatory.
  • If nomenclature is integrated, the author must locate it after the conclusions section.

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  • Include the title in Spanish and English.
  • Place the title first in the language that corresponds to the article. In the following line the corresponding translation must be located.
  • The maximum length for the title in both languages ​​is 100 characters including spaces.
  • The title must be sufficiently descriptive to provoke the reading of the manuscript.
  • Authors

    For each author, the following should be included:
  • Complete Name
  • Affiliation institution (without abbreviations, or acronyms and ordering by institution, dependency, department and country)
  • Email and Telephone
  • The identification of the author is for communication purposes between the Editor and the authors, in the final version of the manuscript to be published this information will not be indicated.
  • Summary

  • Written in Spanish and English, with a minimum and maximum length of 250 and 300 words, respectively.
  • The summary must fulfill the following points:
    - Objective
    - Design / methodology / approach
    - Results
    - Study limitations / implications
    - Originality / value
    - Findings / conclusions
  • Key Words

  • Between 5 and 7 keywords written in Spanish and English separately.
  • Introduction

  • Describe the objectives and foundations of the work.
  • This section does not contain experimental data or evidence or conclusions of the investigation.
  • Development

  • Methods and tests performed.
  • Calculations and mathematical models.
  • All acronyms should be clarified from their first appearance in the text.
  • Define the variables.
  • Avoid the usage of commercial names or the place, institution or dependency where the research was conducted, except when strictly necessary.

    Discussion and analysis of results

  • The introduction must have a logical sequence and describe the results of the tests or the models applied
  • Conclusions

  • The conclusions must include the contribution or innovation of the research carried out.

    Acknowledgments (optional)

  • It is recommended to include the funding source of the research.

    Annexes (optional)

  • Annexes should be mentioned in the text of the manuscript
  • Quotations and references

  • To insert a quotation the author must use the Microsoft Word References tool selecting the APA style sixth edition.
  • When generating the list of final references, Quotations will be written in alphabetical order at the end of the writing under the same APA format.
  • Articles accepted, but not yet published, should be cited as "in press".
  • The bibliographic quotations used should be extracted from the original documents.
  • At any time during the peer reviewing process, the Editor may request the authors to send the electronic file or scanned any material quoted in the investigation.

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    Guide to submit

    The authors should read the Carta de Cesión de Derechos Patrimoniales en favor de la UNAM , it will be necessary that all the authors sign this letter in case the manuscript is accepted for publication. Said letter will be provided by the journal at the time it is needed.

    Manuscripts must be sent only through the registration form available at the following link : Send an article The annexed files that are mentioned below must be included in the shipment.
    a) articulo.docx - Full manuscript in Word format. Must include the semblances at the end of the manuscript
    b) articulo.pdf - Manuscript in PDF format eliminating all information regarding the authors of the manuscript
    c) registro.xlsx - Manuscript registration form
    d) declaratoria.docx - Code of ethics
    e) - Illustrations and charts in a single compressed file in ZIP format

    The code of ethics must be signed by all authors. Authors should preferably wear the letterhead of the institution. In case there are different institutions one institution is enough. This document contains the following points:

  • Declaración de que el artículo no ha sido publicado con anterioridad o enviado simultáneamente a otras revistas o foros.
  • Declaration of authorship of all signatories ; once the manuscript is received, there is no possibility of elimination, increase or substitution of authors. (The journal disclaims any responsibility for possible conflicts arising from the authorship of the works published in it.)
  • Declaration that the authors have read the letter of assignment of rights in favor of the UNAM and will accept it in its entirety in case the manuscript is approved for publication.
  • The código de clasificación of the knowledge to which the manuscripts corresponds; The author can check the classification in the previous link.
  • Explicit statement that the authors know and accept the editorial policy and the date of the latest version.
  • The signature of all the authors.
  • Upon receiving the manuscript and its annexed files, the manuscript will be examined and, after that, the formal acknowledgment of the result of the preliminary evaluation will be sent to the author responsible for the correspondence.

    All communication between the authors and the staff of the Journal, must indicate the reference number corresponding to the manuscript in question.

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    Article processing charges (APC)

    La revista Ingeniería Investigación y Tecnología no realiza cobros a los autores por la revisión de sus manuscritos (independientemente del resultado de la evaluación).

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    Submition charges

    La revista Ingeniería Investigación y Tecnología no realiza cobros a los autores por la publicación de sus manuscritos.

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    Waiver policy

    Los autores podrán retirar su manuscrito del proceso de evaluación en cualquier momento siempre y cuando no hayan recibido un dictamen definitivo (rechazo o aceptación). Para hacerlo, es necesario que cualquiera de los autores envíe un correo dirigido al Editor o a la Coordinación de Arbitraje indicando los motivos de la decisión y declarando bajo protesta de decir verdad que se actúa en representación de todos los autores del manuscrito. Para formalizar la cancelación del proceso de evaluación los autores deberán recibir un correo de vuelta confirmando la recepción de la solicitud de desistimiento.

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